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Southwest Airlines Pilots

Your Southwest Airlines 401(k) is the foundation of your retirement planning. The sooner you begin to create your financial and retirement plan, the greater your opportunity to retire successfully.

Clouds in the sky.
man and son meeting with advisors at table looking at computer

Getting Started

Our team works with Southwest Airlines pilots to create customized financial and retirement plans so you can make a smooth transition from airline pilot to retirement or another career. We’ll begin with our financial planning process, which allows us to understand what makes you happy and what it will cost. With a better understanding of your goals, we are able to determine the income and assets necessary to achieve them. To get started, fill out our Optimized Portfolio questionnaire which will help us assess your portfolio construction.

Optimized Portfolio Questionnaire

401(k) Professional Portfolio Management

A critical part of your retirement success is your ability to contribute to a tax‐advantaged retirement plan to maximize your retirement dollars. You have several options regarding how to manage your retirement assets. Each has pros and cons and should be reviewed in comparison to your personal goals.

Self Manage

Among existing core plan investment options.

Schwab Personal Choice Retirement Account® (PCRA)

A self‐directed brokerage account, similar to a regular brokerage account, PCRA gives you access to many investment choices and allows you to invest in individual stocks, over 2,000 mutual funds and Exchange‐Traded Funds (ETFs) with up to 95% of your 401(k) Plan and Southwest Airlines Pilots Retirement Savings Plan account balance.

Use a Third Party Investment Advisor

A qualified third party investment advisor will manage funds for you.

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We can also help you with...

Financial advisor meets with mature couple to discuss their retirement plans.

Financial Planning

Developing a sound financial plan is essential to achieving your long-term retirement goals.


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Have Questions?

We're here to help.

Give us a call at 877.747.1133

Dan Wilson
Dan Wilson, SVP Wealth Regional Manager

You’re at the controls

Our Pilot Planning team is committed to assisting you and your family plan for retirement, transition into retirement and live comfortably through retirement. Several of our advisors had previous careers with major airlines, so they have firsthand understanding of your situation. Contact one of our advisors today.

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