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Security Tips

Protect yourself from identity theft and fraud. Learn to identify fraud, create strong passwords, recognize fraudulent emails and stay safe online.

gold padlock sitting next to a black keyboard

Johnson Financial Group Will NEVER Ask You

Knowing what to look for and detecting fraud early are crucial steps in safeguarding your information. As a reminder, Johnson Financial Group will never ask you via email, text or phone call to provide:

  • your account number
  • user ID or password
  •  social security number
  • PIN number
  • one-time pass code 
  • answers to your security questions

How to Protect Yourself from Phishing Scams

Phishing scams can happen via email, text, phone or person-to person payment apps. Stay on guard with these tips.

Be wary of unexpected text messages or phone calls.

Don’t give out your PIN, password, social security number, or one-time passcode.

Watch for misspelled words.

Don’t click on suspicious links or attachments.

Be aware of scare tactics.

Don’t respond to a request to send money to yourself with person-to-person payment apps like Zelle, Venmo, etc.

couple looking at a computer with concerned looks on their faces.

Signs of Fraud

  • New accounts or credit cards you didn't apply for
  • Debits on your account you can't explain
  • Inaccurate information on your credit reports
  • Missing bills or other mail, indicating your account information may have been stolen
  • Receiving calls or letters from debt collectors for things you didn't buy
  • Medical records that report a condition you don't have
  • Notification of a data breach at a company that involves your information


Security Tips

Johnson Financial Group logo with transparent background.

Identity Theft Protection Tips 

  • Don't share personal information online, such as your address, phone numbers, Social Security number, birth date or birth place.
  • Store sensitive personal and financial documents in a secure location, and shred them prior to disposal.
  • Never carry your Social Security card or share your number unless absolutely necessary.
  • Never carry unnecessary credit or debit cards and cancel cards you don't use.
  • Promptly retrieve your mail, arrange a hold with USPS or use Informed Delivery to track mail being delivered to you.
  • Opt out of prescreened credit and insurance offers by calling 888‐567‐8688 or go to
  • Delete all personal information on electronic devices prior to disposal.
  • Monitor financial statements and credit reports for signs of unauthorized or suspicious activity.

Request a free annual copy of your credit report at

Johnson Financial Group logo with transparent background.

Password Tips

  • Never use your Social Security number as a username or password.
  • Change your password frequently, using a combination of upper and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters when allowed.
  • Never use the same password on multiple sites.
  • Don't write down or share your password with anyone.
Johnson Financial Group logo with transparent background.

Email Tips

Look for these signs indicating a fraudulent email: 

  • Requests for specific personal information
  • Urgency – often threatening to close your account
  • Money reward offers in exchange for personal information
  • Typos and poor grammar
  • URLs that are different from the sender – for example, links and sender email addresses that do not include
Johnson Financial Group logo with transparent background.

Computer & Mobile Tips

  • Protect your devices with password security and the phone lock feature to prevent unauthorized users from remotely accessing your devices or home network.
  • Ensure your operating system, software, browser versions and plug‐ins are current to be sure you have the latest security protection in place.
  • Only download programs and apps from reputable sources, such as the store built into your device.
  • Use multi-factor authentication for apps that offer the option.
  • Install a personal firewall on your computer and keep anti‐virus software installed and updated.
  • Public computers and Wi-Fi should be used with caution. Banking, downloads, and other private activities should be conducted, when possible, on a private computer or secure connection.
  • Never text personal information such as account numbers, Social Security numbers, passwords, etc.
  • Remember to remove or change your mobile number from banking systems if you lose or replace your mobile device and service.
  • Always log off apps when you are finished using them.
  • Never store personal information on your mobile device.
Johnson Financial Group logo with transparent background.

Tax Tips 

  • File early. Filing your tax return as soon as possible gives criminals less time to use your information to file a false return. 
  • File on a protected Wi-Fi network. If you use an online service to file your return, be sure you're connected to a password-protected personal network. Avoid using public networks like a Wi‐Fi hotspot at a coffee shop. 
  • Use a secure mailbox. If you're filing by mail, drop your tax return at the post office or an official postal box. 
  • Find a tax professional you trust. If you hire someone to do your taxes, get recommendations and do your research before handing over your financial information. 
  • Shred what you don't need. Once you've completed your tax return, shred the sensitive documents that you no longer need and safely file the ones you do. 
  • Beware of phishing scams by email, text or phone. If the IRS needs information, they will contact you by mail first. They will not contact you by email, text or social media. 
  • Watch for missing mail. Contact the IRS immediately if you don't receive your W‐2s, and your employer indicates they've been mailed, or if your mail has been previously opened upon delivery. 

More information about tax identity theft is available from the Federal Trade Commission or the IRS.

How to Resolve a Dispute and Necessary Documentation

We will investigate your claim regardless of documentation presented. However, providing the following information can help us reach a resolution for your dispute more effectively.

Review Your Transactions

Regularly review your monthly account statement or take advantage of MyJFG online and mobile banking. With MyJFG, you can quickly and conveniently monitor your transactions and set up alerts to notify you of specific transactions.

Contact the Merchant First

  • We recommend you contact the merchant and try to resolve the situation.
  • Document dates and times of your phone conversations and emails exchanged.

Report a Disputed Charge

Proof of Purchase

Include a receipt, contract or invoice, showing the product or service purchased along with the amount of the purchase.

Merchant Communication

If you are disputing a payment, document two resolution attempts with the merchant. If you have returned a product to the merchant, provide tracking information or communication related to the return.

Written Statement

Provide a detailed written statement describing the purchase, purchase amount and communication with the merchant.

Necessary Documentation

We will investigate your claim regardless of documentation presented. However, providing the following information can help us reach a resolution for your dispute more effectively.

Proof of Purchase

Include a receipt, contract or invoice, showing the product or service purchased along with the amount of the purchase.

Merchant Communication

Document two resolution attempts with the merchant. If you have returned a product to the merchant, provide tracking information or communication related to the return.

Written Statement

Provide a detailed written statement describing the purchase, purchase amount and communication with the merchant.

Phishing is a type of online scam where criminals make fraudulent emails, phone calls and texts that appear to come from a legitimate financial institution. Every year, people lose hundreds, even thousands, of dollars to these scams. The communication is designed to trick you into entering confidential information (like account numbers, passwords, PINs or birthdays) into a fake website by clicking on a link, or to tell it to someone imitating your financial institution on the phone.

Email or Text

If you suspect that an email or text you receive is a phishing attempt:

  • Take a deep breath. Modern mail apps, like Gmail, detect and block any code or malware from running when you open an email. The key is not to click links or download any attachments.
  • Do not download any attachments in the message. Attachments may contain malware such as viruses, worms or spyware.
  • Do not click links that appear in the message. Links in phishing messages direct you to fraudulent websites.
  • Do not reply to the sender. Ignore any requests from the sender and do not call any phone numbers provided in the message.
  • Report it. Help fight scammers by reporting them. Forward suspected phishing emails to the Anti-Phishing Working Group at If you receive a phishing text message, forward it to SPAM (7726). Then, report the phishing attack to the FTC at


If you receive a phone call that seems to be a phishing attempt:

  • Hang up or end the call. Be aware that area codes can be misleading. If your Caller ID displays a local area code, this does not guarantee that the caller is local.
  • Do not respond to the caller’s requests. Financial institutions and legitimate companies will never call you to request your personal information. Never give personal information to the incoming caller.
  • If you feel you’ve been the victim of a scam, and you did provide personal or financial information, contact your bank immediately at their publicly listed customer service number. Often, this is found on the back of your bank card. Be sure to include any relevant details, such as whether the suspicious caller attempted to impersonate your bank and whether you provided any personal or financial information to the suspicious caller.

1. Contact your bank, financial institutions and creditors

  • Speak with the fraud department and explain that someone has stolen your identity.
  • Request to close or freeze any accounts that may have been tampered with or fraudulently established.
  • Make sure to change your online login credentials, passwords and PINs.

2. Secure your email and other communication accounts

  • Many people reuse passwords and your email or cell phone account may be compromised as well.
  • Immediately change your accounts’ passwords and implement multi-factor authentication — a setting that prevents cybercriminals from accessing your accounts, even if they know your password — if you haven’t already done so.

3. Check your credit reports and place a fraud alert on them

  • Get a free copy of your credit report from or call 877.322.8228.
  • Review your credit report to make sure unauthorized accounts have not been opened in your name.
  • Report any fraudulent accounts to the appropriate financial institutions.
  • Place a fraud alert on your credit by contacting one of the three credit bureaus. That company must tell the other two.

– Experian: 888.397.3742 or

– TransUnion: 800.680.7289 or

– Equifax: 800.685.1111 or

4. Contact the Federal Trade Commission to report an ID theft incident: visit or call 877.438.4338.

5. File a report with your local law enforcement.

  • Get a copy of the report to submit to your creditors and others that may require proof of the crime.

Security Resources

Report a suspicious email

Security Contacts

Report Fraud

Lost or Stolen Debit Card

Related Resources